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NHS Blood Drive

February 23, 2018

Wesclin High School annual blood drive

By: Emily Takacs

                Wednesday February 21st marked Wesclin High School’s annual blood drive. Every year Wesclin’s National Honor Society hosts a blood drive to bring the community together and bring awareness to the importance of donating blood. Blood donations to the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center lasted all school day and were successful. With about 78 units donated, not only was the goal met, but greatly surpassed. Parents, siblings, and other members of the community were able to donate blood at the high school as long as they were 16 and older. After each donation, refreshments and snacks were provided to ensure the donors felt well.  Jose Sanchez, a senior who gave blood, said,” It’s rewarding to know that I am able to save lives by something that is offered at our school each year. Taking the little time for a big cause means everything for someone in need for a blood donation.” Those who missed this blood drive and would still like to donate can visit the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center website and pick a day and place at future blood drives in the area or at a center.

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